The Education Act (2004) mandates the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education to approve schools both for operation and government assistance. MBSSE seeks to make approval processes transparent, free from political influence and efficient.
Draft 1
Ultimate authority for the control and supervision of education in Sierra Leone lies with the Minister. In this regard, all schools in Sierra Leone have to be approved by the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary. In carrying out this function, the Ministry is empowered by:
Section 15 (1) of the Education Act (2004) which states that:
“no person shall establish any new private school or extend an existing school without the prior written authority of the Director-General (Education), or, in the case of a primary school, without the prior written authority of the local authority for the area in which it is intended to establish or extend the school.”
Given the changes that have taken place since 2004, including the enacting of new legislations, the modification below more accurately reflects the current situation:
“no person shall establish any new private or public school or extend an existing school without the prior written authority of the Chief Education Officer/Director-General (Education), or, in the case of a pre-primary, primary and junior secondary school, without the prior written authority of the Chairperson of the Education Committee of the local authority for the area in which it is intended to establish or extend the school”
Note that even though responsibility for approving the establishment or extension of an existing pre-primary, primary and junior secondary school, i.e. basic education schools, is devolved to a local authority, the involvement of the Ministry through the District Education Offices is important for the Minister to play his statutory role.
In line with this provision, all schools currently existing will be required to seek this authorization or approval from the indicated authorities if they do not already have one.
Sections 14 (a) and (b) of the same Act authorizes the Minister to
“from time to time from funds appropriated for the purpose by Parliament.
(a) establish and maintain government and government assisted schools;
(b) give grants-in-aid to schools.”
From the above, there will be there will be two levels of approval for non-government schools in Sierra Leone. All non-government schools must go through the 2 levels of approval except if they are private schools in which case they will only be required to go through Level 1 approval. Every school receiving Level 1 school approval will receive a unique School Identification Number, currently referred to as a SID, by the MBSSE.
Approval to establish and operate a school in Sierra Leone
Approval to receive financial assistance from Government / receive “grants-in-aid”.
Schools seeking Level 1 approval must meet the criteria listed below:
Evidence that the proprietor and manager of the school for which approval to establish is sought are fit and proper persons, i.e. a person of good repute (as attested by 2 referees with impeccable records), with no criminal or tax evasion records, no record of continuing major mental or physical health problems, no record of bankruptcy or insolvency in the preceding 7/10 years, evidence of access to sufficient financial resources to establish and run institution, and, especially for the manager, evidence of work/experience in education, to be in charge of a school
Evidence that the establishment of the proposed school would be in the public interest, taking into account other schools that are already functioning in the area and the expressed preference of the community in which the school is to be built. This means that community need is a paramount consideration in any decision on the establishment of a school. The need will be guided by the size of the school-age population of the community in which the school is to be located as well as the GPS locations of the nearest schools of the same education level. Whilst terrain and ease of access will be factors, the prevailing MBSSE distancing guideline will be employed. Except in small remote rural communities or if the school is to be privately run, the preference is for schools that can accommodate 120 children and above.
Possession of evidence of ownership/rent/lease of land to be occupied by the school.
Evidence that the site selected for the school is conducive for teaching/learning i.e. suitable for purpose including environmental and safety assessments and away from noise nuisance
Evidence of sufficient financial resources to embark on and complete the school construction process as well as keep the school operational for a period of at least 3 years without financial support from the GoSL, except if prevailing circumstances cause the Minister to determine otherwise. Sufficient financial resources will be determined by the bank statement of the proprietors which should show an amount greater than the estimated cost of constructing the school or as agreed by the Minister.
Evidence that proposed school buildings will be constructed strictly in accordance with MBSSE school construction guidelines and standards and official drawings obtainable from the District Education Office at the time of application. In particular there should be evidence in the drawings of provisions for:
i. Ventilation and light i.e. a minimum of 2 large windows per classroom
ii. Ramps and other provisions which clearly show the structure to be disable-friendly and inclusive
iii. Adequate and proper and hygienic WASH facilities, inclusive of separate toilets for female teachers and girls. The female pupil per toilet ratio should be at the most 25:1, whilst for males the ratio should be 30:1
iv. On site access to reliable and safe/clean/potable water
v. A reading room facility or in its absence availability and access to a variety of reading materials, video and/or audio material to augment learning
vi. Adequate playing space i.e. sufficient space for all pupils of the school to run and play without crashing into each other constantly
vii. Essential recreational facilities e.g. footballs, volleyballs, volleyball court and net, basketballs/netballs, courts and net, etc.
With Level 2 Approval, schools qualify for Government financial assistance.
Schools seeking Level 2 approval must meet the criteria listed below:
Evidence of having met and still meeting all Level 1 School Approval criteria
If a government-assisted school, evidence of ability to meet a minimum of 20% of the running cost of the school. Evidence in this instance will be in terms of annual income and/or list of assets as well as commitment by a guarantor
Existence and functioning of a properly constituted School Management Committee (SMC), in the case of a pre-primary or primary school, and a Board of Governors in the case of a ‘basic education’ or secondary school. Note that even though the MBSSE ultimately appoints Boards of Governors, school heads, who are Secretaries to the Boards, must ensure that Boards meet regularly and effectively play their role.
Existence of a room that can be used for IT purposes or in its absence availability and access to a variety of IT resources and/or equipment as well as related IT items that would augment learning
Adequate number of teachers for the subjects to be offered with a targeted optimum pupil-to-qualified-teacher-ratio of 20 for pre-primary, 40 for Primary and Junior Secondary, and 35 for Senior Secondary. What is “adequate” will be determined by the TSC
Evidence of an administration that can properly manage the school and funds provided by the GoSL. This would be evidenced by the order and discipline prevailing in the schools things like – up-to-date and correct attendance registers, completed lesson plans, scheme and record of work books, a clean and hygienic school and immediate surroundings, marked assignments/homework, presence of teachers in every class, performance of candidates in WAEC conducted examinations, and similar
Availability of a long-term school development plan that will clearly show the role the community will play and running of the school and the role the school will play in the welfare of the community.
Application forms for school approval are obtained from the District Education Offices free of cost or can be downloaded from the Ministry Website on www.education.gov.sl. Where online applications are available, these will be preferred means of applying.
Requests seeking approval for the establishment of a school and its operation only shall be assessed as indicated in Section A and B of this document with the addition that final clearance must be given in writing by the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) through its District Director/Deputy Director of Education, after due consultations. Such letters or authenticated copies must be made available readily at each school during inspections.
Note that every 3 years after the date of approval, each school will be re-assessed by the MBSSE to confirm that it still meets the standards under which it was approved as well as the prevailing fully shared MBSSE standards for schools. Schools that are found below standard risk having changes made to their administration and/or temporary loss of GoSL support until deficiencies are addressed.
Until the necessary structures and capacity are in place at district level, requests seeking approval for financial assistance shall be assessed as indicated in Section C of this document with the addition that final clearance must be given by the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) through the Chief Education Officer, after due consultations
Schools already operating without approval must apply (see D(5) below) in writing to the District Director/Deputy Director of Education, Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education for approval.
All applications shall be submitted through the relevant Director/Deputy Director (or on line on the Ministry Website)) and must contain:
a. Completed application form (See sample in Annex)
b. Documentation on land ownership
c. Clear colour photographs (not photocopies or black and white images) of the site including the infrastructure indicated in the Criteria section i.e.
(i) Permanent infrastructure/buildings with good structural integrity conducive for learning that is safe for the students and cater for inclusive education by making them disable friendly through the inclusion of ramps for ease of access by persons with disability, etc.
(ii) Adequate, proper and hygienic WASH facilities, inclusive of separate toilets for female teachers and girls
(iii) Reliable and safe/clean/potable water
(iv) Functioning library/reading room facility or in its absence, the availability and access to a variety of reading materials, video and/or audio material to augment learning
(v) Functioning IT/Computer room or in its absence, the availability and access to a variety of IT resources and/or equipment as well as related IT items that would augment learning
(vi) Adequate playing space
(vii) Essential recreational facilities
d. Clear and certified photocopies of the teachers’ certificates, showing evidence of their qualifications with at least a quarter of the teaching staff being trained and qualified. The TSC will verify on issues having to do with teachers, their qualifications, etc.
Acknowledgement of receipt of application shall be made in writing within 5 working days of receipt by the District Director/Deputy Director of Education. In difficult to reach areas acknowledgement may be sent by text message if mobile phone coverage is available. On line applications will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt of the application.
Inspection by the MBSSE to verify the information provided in the application shall be carried out at the end of each month on those schools that have submitted applications within that month. A 2 days advance notice of inspection will be given.
The recommendation made on the approval application form following inspection shall be subject to the endorsement and verification of the Chief Education Officer and the approval of the Minister or as devolved.
Applications for approval with and approval without financial assistance can be made at any time of the year. However all applications for financial assistance submitted and approved after June can only be honored during the next financial year.
Except for Government Schools (i.e. Government owned schools), approval of a school is not automatically accompanied by financial assistance as indicated earlier in this document and on the approval application form.
The Minister may, taking into account prevailing factors, approve financial assistance for schools that have been in operation for less than 3 years after Level 1 approval.
Schools not meeting all the criteria for approval can be granted provisional approval and given a maximum of 10 months after which they will be inspected again and expected to meet the full criteria for full approval or lose their provisional approval status. A school losing a provisional approval status risks being closed or having the GoSL step-in to make changes to the administration and other shortcomings in the operation of the school.
A list of all approved schools and schools granted financial assistance during the year, together with their School Identification Number (SIDs), shall be published (gazetted) in December of each year.
All schools currently operating without approval are required to apply for approval by 15 December 2020. Timelines for responses to all applications received will be as indicated earlier in bullet points 7 and 9 above.
Any person that establishes a school unauthorized or operates a school which has not been registered at the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the equivalent of Le500,000, in 2004, and to a further fine not exceeding the equivalent of Le50,000, in 2004, for every day during which the school is operated. (Education Act (2004) Section 17). Note that these fines are subject to review before the start of the next school year and are likely to be increased
The inspection team for approval will comprise the following officers
The District Director/Deputy Director of Education
The District Deputy Director - TSC
An Engineer from the Ministry of Works
An official from the Ministry of Health
An Inspector of Schools
An officer from the Local Council
A community leader representing civil society
After December 2020, no school will be allowed to exist and/or continue operation with official MBSSE approval. This will result in three categories of schools:
Public schools receiving financial assistance. These can be Government or Government-assisted schools. The latter include mission/religious schools and community schools.
Public schools, comprising mission/religious/trustee schools and community schools, that do not receive financial assistance from Government. These can apply to be considered for Government Financial Assistance after a period of at least three years of their current Level 1 approval, unless otherwise decided by the Minister. The MBSSE will announce annually, after consultations with the MoF, the number of schools to receive financial assistance and how they will be distributed between the levels of schooling.
Private schools are not eligible to receive financial assistance from Government.
a. Approval with Government Financial Assistance
The proprietor(s) of a school that has/have already been approved without Government Financial Assistance and has/have been in operation for a period of at least three years, or shorter if so determined by the Minister, can apply for Government Financial Assistance using the application form attached as an Appendix.
An Inspection Report will be generated by the Office of the District Director/Deputy Director of Education of the relevant district on the basis of the details in the Application Form as well as ascertaining that the school has been able to maintain those minimum standards upon which it was granted its current approval. The inspection report must include recommendation from the Director/Deputy Director of Education that authorised the inspection. If the school has fulfilled the relevant criteria and based on the recommendation of the Director/Deputy Director submitting the application, the Chief Education Officer will recommend the application to the Minister for her/his approval. Once approved, official communication will be sent to the proprietor(s) of the school conveying the approval of the school, indicating what the financial assistance will cover and when the school will be able to receive this financial assistance as a Government-Assisted School.
It should be noted that Government financial assistance may be one or both of the following:
i. Payment of the salaries of a specific number and category or type of teachers. Note that when a school is approved to receive government financial assistance in the form of payment of the salaries of teachers, not every teacher may be placed on the payroll. For example, the school may have met its quota of qualified teachers, so even if there are more teachers, only a certain number would be placed on the payroll.
ii. Payment of subsidies/grant-in-aid based on enrolment or development plan or any criteria determined by the GoSL
In addition to the financial assistance schools may also receive:
iii. Supply of textbooks and readers
iv. Supply of teaching and learning materials, including supplies such as class registers, vouchers, clocks, globes, maps, etc.
v. Supply of furniture
vi. Supply of sports equipment
vii. Provision of classrooms, WASH facilities, including VIP toilets and potable water
viii. Allocation of a WAEC ID and payment of examination fees for candidates sitting NPSE or BECE or WASSCE
Schools will be informed in their letter of award of the nature of financial assistance to expect.
As a reminder - Note that every 3 years after the date of approval, each school will be re-assessed to confirm that it still meets the standards under which it was approved as well as the prevailing fully shared MBSSE standards for schools. Schools that are found below standard risk having changes made to their administration and/or temporary loss of GoSL support until deficiencies are addressed.
Also note that government-assisted schools that are to benefit from GoSL provided infrastructure will be required to sign an MOU with the MBSSE regarding the structure prior to the commencement of any work.
b. Approval Without Government Financial Assistance
Newly established non-government public schools are initially approved to operate as schools without Government Financial Assistance, except if prevailing government policy requires something different or otherwise determined by the Minister.
A file is opened for the school with the Office of the Director/Deputy Director of Education in the district where the school is located. The file must contain the following:
i. A School Establishment Application Form (Annex 1), fully completed by the proprietor(s) of the school with the District Director/Deputy Director proffering recommendation on the application and ensuring that it is signed and officially stamped.
ii. An Inspection Report, generated by the Office of the District Deputy Director of Education on the basis of the details in the Application Form and to include recommendations based on the inspection of the school.
iii. Clear colour photographs (not photocopies) of the school, showing the infrastructure in the Criteria Section i.e.
(i) Permanent infrastructure/buildings with good structural integrity conducive for learning and safe for the students and cater for inclusive education by making them disable friendly through the inclusion of ramps for ease of access by persons with disability.
(ii) Adequate, proper and hygienic WASH facilities, inclusive of separate toilets for female teachers and girls
(iii) Reliable and safe/clean/potable water
(iv) Functioning library/reading room facility or in its absence, the availability and access to a variety of reading materials, video and/or audio material to augment learning
(v) Functioning IT/Computer room or in its absence, the availability and access to a variety of IT resources and/or equipment as well as related IT items that would augment learning. Notwithstanding, given the situation of ICT in-country, each application will be treated on its merit.
(vi) Adequate playing space
(vii) Essential recreational facilities
(viii) Staff list and photocopies of the teachers’ certificates, showing evidence of their qualifications with at least a quarter of the teaching staff being trained and holding qualifications appropriate to the level of the school seeking approval (i.e. for primary – at least TC, JSS – at least HTC(S), for SSS – at least a Bachelor’s degree). Defaulting schools will not be approved.
On meeting the above criteria, the Chief Education Officer will recommend the application to the Minister for her/his approval and subject to which a formal letter will be communicated to the proprietor(s) of the school conveying the approval of the school without Financial Assistance from Government.
It should be noted that a school may become Government-assisted without financial assistance. Such schools may benefit from the following:
i. Supply of textbooks and readers
ii. Supply of teaching and learning materials
iii. Supply of furniture
iv. Supply of sports equipment
v. Provision of classrooms, WASH facilities, including VIP toilets and potable water
vi. Allocation of a WAEC ID and payment of examination fees for candidates sitting NPSE or BECE or WASSCE
It should be noted that approved private schools also benefit from allocation of a WAEC ID and payment of examination fees for candidates sitting the compulsory WAEC national examinations of the NPSE and BECE. It should also be noted that approved private schools can apply to become government-assisted and to subsequently apply for and receive financial assistance. These private schools will go through the same process as other schools.
Schools that are private and wish to remain so can only benefit from GoSL support if they enter into a Public Private Partnership agreement with the Government in which all necessary details, i.e. conditions, responsibilities, deliverables, etc., are clearly spelt out and all necessary endorsements and approvals have been given.
All schools captured by the annual school census automatically receive an EMIS Code and the GPS co-ordinates are recorded.
As stated earlier, it should be noted that every 3 years after the date of approval, each school will be re-assessed to confirm that it still meets the standards under which it was approved as well as the prevailing fully shared MBSSE standards for schools. Schools that are found below standard risk having changes made to their administration and/or temporary loss of GoSL support until deficiencies are addressed.
Also note that government-assisted schools that are to benefit from GoSL provided infrastructure will be required to sign an MOU with the MBSSE regarding the structure prior to the commencement of any work.
No school is allowed to upgrade/transform itself from the level of schooling for which it was originally registered to another without prior consent and approval of the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE), through the CEO.
Applications for transforming/upgrading must be made to the District Director/Deputy Director of Education who will open a file which must contain the following:
A School Establishment Application Form (Annex 1), fully completed by the proprietor(s) of the school with the District Director/Deputy Director proffering recommendation on the signed and officially stamped application.
An Inspection Report generated by the Office of the Deputy Director of Education on the basis of the details in the Application Form and recommendations made after inspection of the school.
Evidence that the school to be transformed/upgraded is itself already approved by the Ministry and has been in operation for not less than five years.
A justification for the upgrading/transforming request.
A staff list and photocopies of the teachers’ certificates, showing evidence of their qualifications with at least a quarter of the teaching staff being trained and qualified.
Evidence of adequate accommodation for the upgraded/transformed school to operate a single shift system.
Evidence of the school having a functional and adequately equipped library or in its absence, the availability and access to a variety of reading materials, video and/or audio material to augment learning
Evidence of capacity to offer appropriate subjects/courses.
School prospectus, highlighting among other things school charges, curriculum and admission policy.
Appropriate NPSE or BECE and/or WASSCE examination results for the most recent 3-5 years. This is to assess the appropriateness of the request to be upgraded/transformed.
Except in the case of a private school applying to become public and government-assisted inspections for approval will be free of cost. Private schools will pay a fee that is agreed on an annual basis at the start of the school year. Just as in the case of government and government-assisted schools, post-approval re-assessment of private schools will take place 3 yearly.
The approval process is time bound. It will take place as per Section D, Nos. 5, 7 and 9.
Schools receiving provisional approval will not benefit from payment of the salaries of teachers or the payment of school subsidies/grant-in-aid or provision of furniture and infra-structure but will benefit from all the other support listed earlier under “b. Approval Without Government Financial Assistance”
Annex 1
Name of Applicants | Designation | Contact Number | e-mail address |
Name of School ....................................................................................
Category of School1
Pre-Primary Primary | Primary |
Junior Secondary | Senior Secondary |
Type of School
Male Only | Female Only | Mixed |
School System:
Single Shift | Double Shift |
Proposed date of opening of Institution
Reasons for establishing the school
Complete below details of the surrounding schools to your proposed school which are within a three-mile radius.
Name of school | Owner2 | Town/ Village | Enrolment | Distance from proposed school | Level3 |
Have you assessed the demand for this school in the location proposed based on the catchment area and other schools of this category?
Yes | No |
If yes, what evidence can you present to prove the demand for this school in the area
NB: Applicants applying for approval to operate a schools should compete sub-section 5.1
5.1: Application for Level 1 Approval to operate a school
Provide detailed information on the infrastructure of the school in the table below
Type | Number | Area m2 | Building material4 | Expected Date of Completion5 |
Classrooms | ||||
Reading room | ||||
Staff toilets for males | ||||
Staff toilets for females | ||||
Toilets6 for disabled | ||||
Toilets for girls | ||||
Toilets for boys | ||||
Ramps for disabled | ||||
Source of clean water7 | ||||
Recreational facilities |
NB: Applicants applying for approval to operate a school with assistance should compete sub-section 5.2
Application for Level 2 approval to operate a school and receive Government financial assistance
2.1. Provide detailed information on the infrastructure of the school in the table below
Type | Number | Area m2 | Building material | Expected Date of Completion |
Admin-istration block | ||||
Assembly hall | ||||
Classrooms | ||||
Science Laboratories | ||||
Computer Laboratories | ||||
Library | ||||
Staff toilets for males | ||||
Staff toilets for females | ||||
Toilets8 for disabled | ||||
Toilets for girls | ||||
Toilets for boys | ||||
Change room for girls | ||||
Ramps for disabled | ||||
Source of clean water9 | ||||
School Fence | ||||
Staff houses | ||||
Recreational facilities | ||||
Playing fields |
(Please submit with your application, architectural designs for the infrastructure listed above including the site map.)
2.2. Do you have resources to meet a minimum of 10% of the running cost of the school?
Yes | No |
2.3. If “Yes”, please attach proof with this application.
2.4. Does the proposed school have a School Management Committee/ Board of Governors
Yes | No |
2.5. If yes, please provide details of the members in the table below
Name | Designation | Occupation | Date of Appointment | |
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | ||||
10 | ||||
11 | ||||
12 | ||||
13 |
2.6. Is there a safety hazard between the school and the surrounding communities?
Yes | No |
2.7. If yes, how will this hazard be addressed?
Indicate in the table below the estimated enrolments for each class by category if you school has more than one category
Category | Class | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 |
The estimated cost of the building(s) is
7.2 State the estimated cost of furniture
3.3 State Source(s) of funding
Indicate in the table the subjects to be offered in the first 3 years and the number of teacher for each subjects
No. | Subjects | Number of Teachers | |
Male | Female | ||
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 | |||
9 | |||
10 | |||
11 | |||
12 | |||
13 | |||
14 | |||
15 | |||
16 | |||
17 | |||
18 | |||
19 | |||
20 |
Provide in the table below details of the teachers to be engaged in the school. (Please attach letters from the teachers signifying his/her willingness to accept such an appointment if and when approval is given to start the school).
Name of Teacher | Gender | Qualification | Year of graduation | Year of first appointment | Main subject area | Other subject area10 | Work load (No. of contact hours per week) | Previous School11 | |
1 | |||||||||
2 | |||||||||
3 | |||||||||
4 | |||||||||
5 | |||||||||
6 | |||||||||
7 | |||||||||
8 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
10 | |||||||||
11 | |||||||||
12 | |||||||||
13 | |||||||||
14 | |||||||||
15 | |||||||||
16 | |||||||||
17 | |||||||||
18 | |||||||||
19 | |||||||||
20 | |||||||||
21 | |||||||||
22 | |||||||||
23 |
Land and Buildings
1.1. How is/was the land acquired?
Purchased | Endowment |
1.2. If the School Building(s) is/are already available, how was the acquisition done?
Purchased | Rented | Leased | Gift |
1.3. Indicate the number of acres that have been set aside for the following:
School Buildings
Play Grounds
Previous Applications (if any)
2.1. Have you previously submitted applications for approval for a school in the last 3 years?
Yes | No |
2.2. If yes provide more information in the table below
Date of Application | Category of School | Status of Application | Result of Application |
2.3. Do you have other schools that have already been approved by Government
Yes | No |
2.4. If yes, please provide the information in the table below for over the last 5 years
Year | Name of school | Salary grant | Development grant | Capital grants | Running costs |
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
Indicate briefly provisions in place for handling emergencies and disaster such as health emergencies, floods and fire in the school
Chairman, Name and Signature
Secretary/Proprietor(s) (use stamp)
The above application is/is not recommended by the Local Education Authority
Please see paragraph.............................................of minutes of meeting of committee/council held on ............................................a copy of which is attached and the inspection report on the school.
Signature of Inspector of Schools /Education Officer
(Use Stamp)
I hereby confirm that the statement made against items...........................……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
I am unable to confirm that the statement(s) against item(s)............…………………………………………………………
is/are correct.
The above application is/is not recommended.
My reasons are as follows:
Date: .......................
Signature and Stamp
District Deputy Director of Education